Discover how you can become a WishMaker

Discover how you can become a WishMaker

The Power of WishMakers

The Power of WishMakers

Every 25 seconds a child is diagnosed with a critical illness and becomes eligible for a wish. What we do at Make-A-Wish is simple: We give anyone the opportunity to create a life-changing wish for a child with a critical illness.

Meet Our Wish Children

Meet Our Wish Children

I Wish To Fly Like A Bird

I Wish To Fly Like A Bird

Ian’s greatest wish was to fly like a bird. Experiencing his wish allowed Ian to feel like a child again, to laugh, smile and treasure the happy memory that will help him face whatever the future may hold.

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Restore childhood with the power of a wish

Restore childhood with the power of a wish


A child is diagnosed with a critical illness and becomes eligible for a wish every 25 seconds.


98% of wish children and parents agree the wish experience is important for every child with a critical illness


615,000 wishes granted to date worldwide.

What Do We Do With Your Donation?

What Do We Do With Your Donation?

Your donation will help grant wishes to children around the world who are living with critical illnesses. These are the four most common categories of wish:

“To have”

To have a computer, a bike, a dog… These wishes are often connected to a great experience, or even special memories. For example, a wish child might wish to have a computer to attend online classes for school.

“To meet”

To meet a celebrity, a YouTuber, a streamer… These wishes are often an inspiration, or bring lots of happiness to a wish child. For example, a wish child may wish to meet their favourite YouTuber who specializes in baking.

“To go”

To go to a sports event, on a cruise trip, an entertainment theme park… These wishes bring wish children lots of joy, that they may even forget their illness. For example, a wish child might wish to attend the Champions League Final.

“To be”

To be a chef, a fireman, a crime scene investigator… Some wish children want to be bigger and stronger to contribute to their communities. For example, a wish child might wish to be a chef in a 5 star restaurant, cooking for their friends and family.

A Wish Is Hope. Will You Help?

A Wish Is Hope. Will You Help?

Your tax deductible donation can transform wish children’s lives

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