Make-A-Wish Blog

The impact of wishes on children with rare diseases

Wishes for children with rare diseases do more than create temporary joy. They offer lasting benefits that extend beyond the wish itself. Many children face prolonged medical treatments and the emotional toll of living with conditions that isolate them from their friends and family. A granted wish offers them not only joy and respite, giving them hope and lasting resilience to face the challenges ahead.

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The impact of wishes on children with rare diseases

Wishes for children with rare diseases do more than create temporary joy. They offer lasting benefits that extend beyond the wish itself. Many children face prolonged medical treatments and the emotional toll of living with conditions that isolate them from their friends and family. A granted wish offers them not only joy and respite, giving them hope and lasting resilience to face the challenges ahead.

What is Rare Disease Day?

Learn about Rare Disease Day, its history, purpose, global initiatives, and how you can help to raise awareness and action worldwide.

Sadaqah for Children Living With a Critical Illness

Sadaqah for Children Living With a Critical Illness Make a difference by giving Sadaqah to Make-A-Wish International to support children living with a critical illness. At Make-A-Wish International we dedicate ourselves to making dreams come true...

Our Collaborations with Companies Around the World

Make-A-Wish-stories: Our Corporate Alliances Every wish granted to a child facing a critical illness has the power to bring lasting joy and hope. But we cannot grant wishes without the support of our network of volunteers, donors and corporate...