Make-A-Wish Blog

Sadaqah for Children Living With a Critical Illness

Sadaqah for Children Living With a Critical Illness Make a difference by giving Sadaqah to Make-A-Wish International to support children living with a critical illness. At Make-A-Wish International we dedicate ourselves to making dreams come true for children battling...

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Make-A-Wish – A children’s charity near you

Fear, worry, and hospital treatment dominate children with a life-threatening illness. Granting their wish gives these children and their families strength. This way they can get more resilient when they encounter more difficult times related to...

Wish granting in 2023 with Make-A-Wish Portugal

Make-A-Wish Portugal gives hope to children who are living with a critical illness continuously. In order to reach our goal, we work closely with children and their families to identify their most heartfelt wish and to plan and prepare for the wish...