Make-A-Wish Japan

At Make-A-Wish Japan, we firmly believe that fulfilling the wishes of children living with serious illnesses can bring hope and joy into their lives. We understand that these children often face immense challenges, from being confined to hospitalization and missing out on the joys of a normal childhood, to painful medical treatment and feeling isolated. We believe that granting these wishes can provide a much-needed change and contribute to their emotional well-being.

Our goal is to make a positive impact in the lives of children living with a critical illness by granting their most heartfelt wishes. We strive to create unforgettable experiences that bring happiness and joy to these children and their families. Through our the Wish Journey, we aim to give these children something to look forward to, fostering resilience and hope during difficult times.

Grant life-changing wishes

The inspiring effect of the Wish Journey

When a child is living with a critical illness, they may find themselves confined to a hospital bed for an extended period of time, grappling with the complex and often overwhelming complications of their condition. Facing a critial illness can make it difficult to maintain a sense of normalcy, and spark feelings of anxiety and distress. It can seem almost insurmountable to find happiness or reprieve when faced with these challenges.

At Make-A-Wish Japan, we recognize that each child who is living with a critical illness has unique wishes, and aspirations that are as diverse and varied as they are. We make it our mission to grant as many wishes as possible, providing these children with moments of joy and happiness amidst dark times. Our aim is to enable them to create happy memories with their loved ones, and to find courage, contentment, and renewed hope throughout their Wish Journey.

The facets of a Wish Journey at Make-A-Wish Japan


The Wish Journey of our Affiliate, Make-A-Wish Japan, strives to provide children living with critical illnesses with meaningful and memorable experiences that inspire hope, strength, and joy during challenging times. The Wish Journey encompasses the following facets:

  • The child is referred to Make-A-Wish by a family member, friend or other relative.
  • A health professional will then assess if the child meets the eligibility criteria.
  • With the help of a wish granter, the child’s heartfelt wish is identified during the Wish Capture phase.
  • The family eagerly awaits the granting of the wish during the Wish Anticipation phase.
  • The wish is granted during the Wish Realization phase, and the family celebrates the occasion together.
  • The Wish Effect phase follows, during which the positive impacts of the wish are felt long after the Wish Day.

The Wish Journey brings joy to the child and can also have a positive impact on their overall well-being.

When is a child eligible for a wish?


Make-A-Wish Japan aims to grant the wishes of children between the ages of 2½ to 18, who are living with serious illnesses. The children can be referred to Make-A-Wish via a parent, guardian or relative. The application is then evaluated by a physician who thoroughly reviews their case to determine if they meet the eligibility criteria to benefit from the wish experience. Only eligible children can have their wish granted by the Make-A-Wish organization.

Give hope and joy to children living with a critical illness by donating


Make-A-Wish Japan’s mission to provide hope and strength to children living with critical illnesses is made possible by the generosity of donors and volunteers. When you contribute to our cause, you become an integral part of our Wish Journey and help us make a significant difference in the lives of wish children and their families. We invite you to join us by donating and making a positive impact on the lives of these children.

Grant life-changing wishes

A japanese flag floating in front of a blue sky backdrop with a cherry blossomed tree branch.

Niamh Ryan

Niamh Ryan

Niamh Ryan is Senior Manager, PR and Communications at Make-A-Wish International, having joined the organisation in 2022 after 5 years at Make-A-Wish Ireland. Niamh oversees the organisation’s internal and external communications and looks after media relations and media strategy. With a background in digital marketing, she is passionate about employing the latest technology and trends to help more people learn about the life-changing power of a wish-come-true!