Make-A-Wish is dedicated to making the wishes of critically ill children come true. It was formed in 1980 when a young boy’s family and friends came together to make his wish come true. This is the origin story of Make-A-Wish! Since then, Make-A-Wish has granted more than 550 000 wishes worldwide with the help of over 43,000 volunteers globally.
Make-A-Wish has the goal to grant each critically ill child one life-long wish. Granting their wish gives these sick children joy and hope. About 97% of parents of wish kids report improvement in their children’s emotional well-being and health.
Make-A-Wish is an organization that can function thanks to generous donations from individual donors, corporations, and other organizations. Moreover, Make-A-Wish heavily relies on its volunteers who strive to make critically ill children’s wishes come true. Therefore, donations are imperative to this organization. Here are some ideas on how to raise money for Make-A-Wish.
Grant life-changing wishes
Walk for Wishes
Walk for Wishes is a nation-wide fundraiser to raise funds for Make-A-Wish. Thousands of people gather and walk together to raise funds for us. They celebrate the wishes already granted to critically ill children and work to raise money to grant more wishes.
You can participate in one of these walks, and help us grant the wishes of children living with life-threatening illnesses. Granting wishes cannot help curing the critically ill children or take away their pain. However, you can help give them hope, happiness and confidence by raising funds to grant their wishes.
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Donate and give hope
Make-A-Wish relies on the public’s donations. If you want to contribute towards changing the lives of children batting with critical illnesses, you can donate to Make-A-Wish. We give hope and confidence to children who are living with a life-threatening condition. You can do your part in giving them hope by donating to Make-A-Wish. Learn more about making the wishes of children come true at our FAQ.
Grant life-changing wishes

Why is fundraising for wishes important?
Everyday children are diagnosed with sometimes life-threatening illnesses, and ongoing funding is required to grant the wishes of the children who are living with critical illnesses. By donating to Make-A-Wish you make a huge impact on the lives of children living with a critical illness. The joy and hope you give them is priceless. Make-A-Wish crafts the wish journey around the children’s wishes to make a transformative impact on their lives.
What impact does Make-A-Wish make?
Make-A-Wish brings smiles to thousands of children around the world who are living with illnesses daily. This helps provide a diversion in the lives of these children as they go through the tough stages of their medical treatment. It can provide the children with the emotional strength to fight towards recovery. Emotional strength is considered very vital in children who are recovering from critical illnesses. The impact of a wish on children can also come as a huge relief to the parents, who can see their child happy while going through a very difficult time.
Additionally, Make-A-Wish gives these children a once in a lifetime experience that they’ll remember forever.
What are ideas for raising money for Make-A-Wish?
There are numerous ways in which you can raise funds, while also making the events engaging and interesting for the donors as well as the children who are having their wishes granted.
Organize sporting events where the team registration fees are collected and donated. Invite well-known local celebrities to perform at gigs, karaoke competitions, battle of the bands,; this will draw crowds. In these ideas, even the volunteers of Make-A-Wish can assist. Apart from this, a Bake Sale and a Car Wash etc are excellent ideas to interact with people and spread awareness about Make-A-Wish and raise funds.
How can I donate to Make-A-Wish?
Donations are the main monetary source for Make-A-Wish and the only reason we are able to continue the amazing work that we do globally. You can help keep this cycle going by donating through the donate button on this website. You can also get in contact with a Make-A-Wish volunteer and tell them you would like to make a donation and they’ll provide you with further assistance.
You can also donate online through the official Make-A-Wish website in the comfort of your home. Donate and make a child living with a critical illness’ day filled with joy and happiness.
Sixtine Tabard, Digital Marketing Manager at Make-A-Wish International, joined the organization at the beginning of 2025. With over 9 years of digital marketing & analytics experience in e-commerce, she brings a wealth of expertise. Sixtine is responsible for the website content and SEO, and supports new affiliates in setting up their own website. Additionally, she manages the digital analytics side of the website to improve its efficiency and ensure a smooth donation process for all Make-A-Wish supporters.
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