Give hope for children with critical illnesses

by granting life-changing wishes

I wish to have a tea time in a castle like a princess with my mommy
Eva, 3

Make-A-Wish® creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We seek to bring every eligible child’s wish to life because every child deserves a childhood. Make-A-Wish has become the world’s leading children’s wish-granting organization, serving children in 50 countries and territories worldwide. Together, generous donors, supporters, staff and more than 20,000 volunteers unite to deliver hope to wish kids and their families when they need it most. Please join us by making your donation to help us grant more life-changing wishes come true!

A Wish is Hope, Donate Now to Help

 “It isn’t always necessary to cure in order to heal.”


Wishes make the impossible, possible – helping children replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope.

Make-A-Wish helps to grant wishes for children with critical illnesses, we believe that a wish has a long-lasting impact on the life of a child.

A wish begins with hope, hope begins with you.

Wish Stories

I Wish To Travel In A Campervan

I Wish To Travel In A Campervan

Carola had always been a cheerful girl who excelled at school and also in sports. But everything changed when she was 14 years old and she was diagnosed with a terrible genetic disease…

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I Wish To Have Fairy Wings And Fly

I Wish To Have Fairy Wings And Fly

Lilah became sick at just 2 years old and as she got progressively weaker, her mum knew something was wrong. After extensive doctor’s visits and tests, she was diagnosed with leukemia…

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 We are Make-A-Wish International, a children’s charity that makes wishes come true for children living with critical illnesses. When a child is diagnosed with a critical illnesses, a part of their childhood is stolen. A wish has the power to return it. Your support can help restore childhood to children around the world.