Make-A-Wish Argentina helps children living with a life-threatening condition by granting their most heartfelt wishes. Our volunteers and donors work hard to make these wishes come true and bring joy to the lives of children living with life-threatening conditions. We believe that granting wishes can have a powerful and positive impact on the emotional well-being, strength, and hope of these children. When a child’s wish is granted, they have the chance to forget about their illness and hospital stays for a moment and experience the kind of fun and excitement that all children deserve. Learn more about our goal and how our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Argentina helps to inspire children and their families.
Grant life-changing wishes
How a Wish Journey inspires
Make-A-Wish Argentina is dedicated to bringing hope and joy to children living with a critical illness across the country. Our team of volunteers and donors work tirelessly to grant the wishes of these brave children, who face unimaginable challenges as they navigate their illnesses.
We believe that the magic of a Wish Journey can have a profound impact on these children, helping them to find a sense of hope and optimism during a difficult time. The experience can be a powerful tool in their healing process, and we are committed to doing all that we can to support them and promote their emotional well-being.
Stages of the Wish Journey Make-A-Wish Argentina
Our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Argentina grants the wishes of children living with a critical illness through a process that begins with receiving an application for a wish. Anyone can initiate this process by submitting an application on behalf of a child who is suffering from a life-threatening medical condition. This can be done by the child, their parents or legal guardians, a healthcare professional, a friend or other relatives.
Once we receive a wish application, we reach out to the child and their family to determine their eligibility for a wish. If the child is eligible, we arrange a meeting with them to discuss their wish and begin the process of granting it. This involves bringing together our financial and technical supporters, volunteers, and various companies to make the wish come true.
The joy and hope that children living with a critical illness experience through the wish-granting process is immeasurable and serves as a source of motivation for us to continue our mission.
What are the criteria for eligible children?
Children living with a life-threatening condition in Argentina between the ages of 3 and 17 are eligible for experiencing an unforgettable Wish Journey. To apply for a wish, you can reach out to the Affiliate Make-A-Wish Argentina and submit a referral.
Grant a wish of a child living with a critical illness by donating
You can support Make-A-Wish Argentina to grant wishes by making a one-time or recurring donation. Your contribution will help the organization fulfill the wishes of children living with a critical illness. You can donate through the organization’s website or by contacting them directly. Thank you for considering supporting Make-A-Wish Argentina and the important work they do.
Grant life-changing wishes

Niamh Ryan is Senior Manager, PR and Communications at Make-A-Wish International, having joined the organisation in 2022 after 5 years at Make-A-Wish Ireland. Niamh oversees the organisation’s internal and external communications and looks after media relations and media strategy. With a background in digital marketing, she is passionate about employing the latest technology and trends to help more people learn about the life-changing power of a wish-come-true!
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