Wish granting in 2023 with Make-A-Wish Chile

Make-A-Wish Chile helps children with critical illnesses by granting their heartfelt wishes. We work closely with the children and their families to understand their wishes and turn them into a reality. We collaborate with healthcare professionals and other community partners to ensure that the wish experience is medically appropriate and aligns with the child’s treatment plan. Our goal is to provide hope and joy to children facing difficult challenges.
Grant life-changing wishes
The importance of wish granting
Wish granting can be incredibly impactful and uplifting for children living with serious medical illnesses and their families. The opportunity to make and have a wish granted brings happiness and a sense of normalcy during trying times, and can even improve the overall quality of life for children and their families. Additionally, the act of having a wish granted can give children a feeling of accomplishment and control, which can be especially empowering during the treatment and healing process.
The wish journey process at Make-A-Wish Chile
The process of granting a wish for a child and their family through Make-A-Wish Chile is known as the Wish Journey. The first step in this process is the referral, which occurs when a healthcare professional or parent/guardian contacts Make-A-Wish Chile to request a wish for the child. After this, Make-A-Wish Chile will conduct an eligibility check to determine if the child meets the requirements to receive a wish.
Once the child is deemed eligible, they will work with a wish granter (a trained volunteer or staff member) to identify their most heartfelt wish. This is known as the wish capture phase. After this, the wish is carefully designed by our skilled Wishgranters who work closely with the family. The wish planning is shared with the child creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. Finally, the child’s wish will be granted and celebrated with their family and community in the wish celebration phase creating a lasting wish effect. The specific steps involved in the Wish Journey process may vary depending on the individual circumstances of the child and their family.
Eligible wish children
Make-A-Wish grants wishes to children aged 3-17 years, who have a life-threatening medical illness, such as a progressive, degenerative, or malignant illness that requires medical intervention. In order to qualify for a wish, a child must also be able to comprehend the idea of a wish and take part in the wish-granting process.
Give hope and donate today
There are several options for donating to Make-A-Wish, in order for our Affiliate Chile to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. You can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor through the website or by contacting the organization directly. Your generosity can help Make-A-Wish Chile continue its important mission of bringing joy and hope to these children and their families.
Grant life-changing wishes