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FanFan's wish

At Make-A-Wish Shanghai, we work on making unique and extraordinary wishes for children living with a critical illness. We believe that granting a heartfelt wish can provide emotional support. Our goal is to fulfill the wishes of these children and to create unforgettable moments of joy during their treatment journey with.

Grant life-changing wishes

The impact of the Wish Journey

Make-A-Wish Shanghai is unwavering in its dedication to restoring smiles and happiness to children living with critical illnesses. Our purpose is to make their deepest wish come true, offering transformative experiences and moments that could help alleviate the potential hardship of their everyday lives. We believe that realizing these dreams can help instill a sense of resilience in the children while also helping them navigate their medical journey. By creating precious memories with their loved ones and participating in activities they deeply care for, we strive to spark joy in the lives of these children and their families.

The Wish Journey of Make-A-Wish Shanghai

Make-A-Wish Shanghai works diligently to grant the wishes of children living with critical illnesses, providing them with hope, strength, and joy amid their treatment journey. The Wish Journey is tailored to promote positive mental well-being by fostering an atmosphere of hope and satisfaction. To enroll a child to the Wish Journey, they must be endorsed by a medical expert, a family member, a legal guardian, or another relative.

Upon confirmation of eligibility, the Wish Journey starts with one of our skilled wish granters, who will meet with the child and their family to discuss their heartfelt wish. This first phase is called ‘Wish Capture.’ Next, the wish child can use their imagination to personalize their wish during the ‘Wish Design’ phase. A wish granter will then kickstart the plan by gathering available resources to bring the child’s wish to life.

The family is informed of the plan and will wait in excitement during the ‘Wish Anticipation’ phase. Then comes the Wish Realization phase, which consists of fulfilling the wish beyond the child’s wildest dreams. Finally, the enduring impact of a granted wish extends well beyond the moment of fulfillment and permeates the lives of all those who participated during the ‘Wish Effect’ stage.

Make-A-Wish Shanghai strives to leave a lasting and meaningful impact on the child and their family through this mission.

Which children are eligible for a wish?


In order for a child to be eligible for the Make-A-Wish Shanghai Wish Journey initiative, trained healthcare professionals will evaluate the child’s medical records and decide on their ability to participate in the program. The eligibility requirements consists of the following criteria:

  • The child must be aged between 3 and 17.
  • The child has to be dealing with a critical illness, including progressive, degenerative, or malignant conditions requiring medical intervention.
  • The child has the ability to engage in the Wish Journey.

Grant life-changing wishes by donating today

Make-A-Wish Shanghai is dependent on your generosity to achieve its mission. You can make charitable donations that enable us to grant the wishes of children living with critical illnesses in the Shanghai region, offering them an often much-desired break from their treatment journeys. Supporting Make-A-Wish through your donations means that you can take part in delivering happiness and hope to these brave children. Your kindness can make a monumental difference. Make a donation today and join us in our mission to fulfill the heartfelt wishes of children.

Xingshuo's wish
How can I refer a child to Make-A-Wish Shanghai?

If you know a child in Shanghai who is living with a critical illness and could benefit from the transformative power of a wish, referring them to our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Shanghai is a straightforward process. Initiating a referral is as simple as contacting Make-A-Wish Shanghai directly through the website or reaching out to the office via phone or email. The team is ready to assist you throughout the referral process. After connecting with them, they will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with the required information and forms.

Completing the referral form enables Make-A-Wish Shanghai to gather crucial details about the child’s medical condition, interests, and heartfelt wishes. This information helps them understand the child’s unique circumstances, ensuring that they design a personalized wish experience tailored to their dreams. Once the referral form is submitted, the team will review the application and assess the child’s eligibility for a wish.

If the child meets the criteria, our dedicated Wish Coordinators will schedule a wish interview to gather additional information and ensure that the wish experience is tailored to the child’s desires. At Make-A-Wish Shanghai, they maintain strict confidentiality and respect the privacy of the child and their family throughout the referral process. By referring a child to Make-A-Wish Shanghai, you are taking the first step in creating a life-changing wish experience for a child living with a critical illness in Shanghai.

How can I become part of the Wish Journey at Make-A-Wish Shanghai?

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children living with critical illnesses? You can become an important part of the wish journey at Make-A-Wish Shanghai. Your involvement and support can help bring hope, joy, and strength to the wish children. There are several ways you can join us in making wishes come true.

Firstly, you can consider becoming a volunteer. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to directly impact the lives of wish children and their families. Whether it’s assisting with wish granting, organizing events, or supporting fundraising efforts, your time and dedication can create magical experiences for these children.

Additionally, you can contribute financially by making a donation to Make-A-Wish Shanghai. Your generosity directly supports the wish granting process, allowing them to grant more wishes and make a greater impact. You can also engage with Make-A-Wish on social media, sharing the stories and spreading awareness about the mission.

By amplifying our message, you help us reach more children and garner support from the community. Together, we can create a powerful movement of hope and make a positive impact on the lives of these children. Join Make-A-Wish Shanghai and be a part of the wish journey that brings smiles and creates cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

What is the impact of granting wishes by Make-A-Wish Shanghai?

Granting wishes through our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Shanghai creates a profound and lasting impact on the lives of children living with critical illnesses in China. Each wish experience is a transformative journey that brings hope, joy, and strength to these children and their families. The impact of wish granting extends far beyond the moment of wish fulfillment. It can instill a renewed sense of hope, empowering wish children with resilience and optimism. The joy and happiness experienced during their wish create cherished memories. Wish granting can also strengthen family bonds, as parents and siblings witness the transformative power of a wish firsthand.

What does the wish granting process look like at Make-Wish Shanghai?

The wish granting process at Make-A-Wish Shanghai is a meticulously designed journey that comprises five distinct phases, ensuring a meaningful and unforgettable wish experience for children living with critical illnesses.

Wish Capture: The process begins with the wish capture phase, where the child, their family, or a referring party initiates the wish referral. Make-A-Wish Shanghai’s compassionate team collects essential information about the child’s medical condition, interests, and heartfelt wishes, capturing the essence of their wish.

Wish Design: Once the wish is captured, our dedicated Wish Design team collaborates closely with the child and their family to design a personalized wish experience. Taking into account the child’s unique circumstances and medical considerations, we work diligently to create a wish that will bring immense joy and create lasting memories.

Wish Anticipation: During this phase, the child eagerly anticipates the realization of their wish. They share their wish with loved ones, creating excitement and building anticipation for the extraordinary experience that lies ahead. This period of anticipation becomes a source of positivity and hope, inspiring the child and their family throughout their wish journey.

Wish Realization: The wish realization phase is the culmination of the wish journey. Make-A-Wish Shanghai meticulously plans and executes every detail of the wish, ensuring it surpasses expectations. Whether it involves meeting a role model, going on an adventure, or fulfilling a heartfelt wish, we strive to create a magical experience that brings pure joy to the child.

Wish Effect: The wish effect represents the lasting impact of the wish experience. It encompasses increased hope, resilience, and improved emotional well-being for the wish child. The wish effect extends to the child’s family, inspiring them with renewed strength and creating cherished memories. Moreover, the wish effect reverberates within the community, showcasing the power of compassion and the ability to make a positive difference.

Grant life-changing wishes

Sarah Labelle

Sarah Labelle

Sarah Labelle is Digital Fundraising Manager at Make-A-Wish International, having joined the organization in 2022 after a previous mission in humanitarian healthcare. Sarah oversees new donor acquisitions and conversions through our digital channels. Additionally, Sarah manages the e-commerce side of the website, email marketing and strives to deliver a smooth donation process for all Make-A-Wish supporters.