Holiday gift ideas for children living with cancer

Holiday gift ideas for children living with cancer

Getting the diagnosis of cancer as a child is often a heartless and discouraging experience. For them, and for their loved ones. It is often difficult to understand what these children have to go through, as an outsider.  That is why the holiday season is the...

The magic of our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Korea

Central to Make-A-Wish Korea is the dedication to light up the lives of children living with critical illnesses with happiness and hope. By fulfilling their cherished wishes and collaborating with their families, we work tirelessly to turn dreams into reality. Our...
The magic of our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Mexico

The magic of our Affiliate Make-A-Wish Mexico

Make-A-Wish Mexico recognizes the significant amount of time that children living with critical illnesses often spend in hospitals. We understand that these children have unique and special wishes, and place a high value on fulfilling them. By granting their wishes,...