Planned Giving
Including a donation to Make-A-Wish International in your estate plan gives you the ability to make a lasting impact that extends far beyond your lifetime.
Planned Giving provides a way for individuals to support Make-A-Wish International and help make wishes come true for children worldwide, while also potentially enjoying financial benefits and tax advantages. It can also serve as a way to leave a legacy and ensure your commitment to bringing hope, strength and joy to future generations of children facing critical illnesses.
Already included Make-A-Wish in your estate plan?
Click the button above or send an email to [email protected]
Interested in learning more about planned giving and how it can benefit you and wish children worldwide?
Click the button above or send an email to [email protected]
Tax Residency
Make-A-Wish International is registered in the United States as a non-profit organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code, with 50 Affiliates worldwide.
Every country has different laws and requirements surrounding estate planning and testamentary and our expert team would be glad to help you discover the most tax efficient way to make your gift in your country.
Example wording:
“I give to Make-A-Wish Foundation International, of 1702 E. Highland Avenue, Suite 305, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016, United States of America, Federal Identification Number (EIN): 86-0726985
A __ % share of/the residue of my estate
OR the sum of $__ (specify value)
OR/AND my (insert full description of item and location)
To support the mission to grant the wish of every eligible child worldwide OR in [Country/ies] with [Affiliate(s)]”
Types of Planned Gifts
A bequest is a gift made through a will or living trust that transfers ownership of property to Make-A-Wish International after the donor’s death.
Life Income Gifts
Life income gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities, provide the donor with a source of income for life in exchange for their gift to Make-A-Wish International.
Charitable Trusts
Charitable trusts are arrangements that provide for a specific amount of assets to be held in trust for the benefit of Make-A-Wish International. They offer several tax benefits to the donor, and can provide a source of income for the donor or their beneficiaries.
Gifts of Appreciated Assets
Gifts of appreciated assets, such as stocks or real estate, allow the donor to receive an income tax deduction for the full market value of the asset while avoiding capital gains tax.
The Benefits of Planned Giving
Financial Benefits
Planned giving can provide financial benefits to the donor, such as income tax savings, capital gains tax savings, and estate tax savings.
Personal Satisfaction
By making a planned gift, individuals have the satisfaction of knowing they are making a lasting impact on the lives of children with critical illnesses through Make-A-Wish International.
Legacy Building
Through planned giving, individuals can ensure that their commitment to bringing hope and joy to these children continues long after they are gone and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

How to Get Involved
Contact Us: If you are interested in learning more about planned giving and how it can benefit Make-A-Wish International and the children we serve, please contact us. Our team of experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you explore the options that are right for you
Consult Your Financial Advisor: It is important to consult with your financial advisor to determine which type of planned gift is right for you and your financial situation. Your financial advisor can help you understand the tax implications of your gift and ensure that it fits with your overall financial plan.
Make a Gift: Once you have determined the type of planned gift that is right for you, the next step is to make your gift. You can make a gift through a will or living trust, or by setting up a charitable trust or life income gift.
Thank you for considering planned giving as a way to support Make-A-Wish International and help bring hope, strength, and joy to children with critical illnesses. Your gift will have a lasting impact on their lives and ensure that your commitment to making wishes come true continues for future generations.