I wish to be a model

In May 2022, Elisa’s mother noticed that she had a slightly swollen abdomen and decided to take her to the hospital, even though she had no other symptoms or complaints. On examination, the doctor immediately found a malignant tumor of approximately 12cm near Elisa’s liver. Just days later, Elisa started chemotherapy and later underwent surgery to remove the tumor.
Upon waking up from one of the chemo sessions, Elisa commented to her mother: “I already know what my wish is! I want to be a model and walk the catwalk!” From there Elisa’s wish team worked to provide Elisa with an unforgettable and transformative experience.
Elisa got to model in a professional photo shoot and visit one of the largest modeling agencies in the country where she was welcomed by the team and given some modeling training. Next came the fashion show! In the presence of family and friends, Elisa got to walk the catwalk as she had imagined and after this magical moment, Elisa distributed photos and autographs to her new fans and followers and enjoyed the treats that awaited her in her dressing room, enjoying every detail of this experience!
This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we need you to help us make every wish come true, just like Elisa’s.