“I wish to be a superhero“

Every child deserves a childhood full of joyful memories. There are more children just like Joel, who are waiting on their wishes to be granted.
Joel was only 4 years old when his wish was granted. Joel is crazy about the hero world and all that is super. In fact, “super” is the word that he uses the most!
When Joel’s volunteers came to visit him at the hospital, they played superhero games with him. Even in the middle of treatment, he always greeted them with a big smile and couldn’t wait to play with them.
It was clear that Joel’s wish was to be a superhero! On the day of his wish, Joel got to put on his superhero costume, to run with ultra-speed and even to fly! According to his mom, Joel still treasures his costume even though it no longer fits him.
Everyone who got to meet Joel believes him to be a true superhero, whose superpower is to bring joy to every person around him with his fantastic energy!
Donate today and restore hope with a wish for other wish children like Joel.