I wish to have a tree house

Lilian is a very spontaneous and talkative 6-year-old girl who lights up the room with her smile! But her parents told us that the last year has been very difficult, with endless hospitalizations and treatment for her leukemia. Nevertheless, Lilian was a fighter and remained strong throughout her treatment journey.
From the very beginning, she knew which her deepest wish was. She wished for a tree house and had planned every little detail: the tree house was going to be painted like a rainbow and decorated with rainbows and unicorns.
The day of the wish, volunteers arrived at Lilian’s house, and it was time for Lilian to experience the rainbow after the storm!
When Lilian saw the entire tree house, she was overwhelmed. She kept shouting “It’s perfect! It’s perfect!”. From now on, she had her own space that was going to give her the joyful moments she has missed during her illness.
Although we granted 40% more wishes in the last 12 months, we still have thousands of children waiting for their wish to be granted. This July, we want to grant the wishes of 3000 children – almost twice as many as July 2022! But we will need all the help we can get to reach this target. Please donate today to bring Sparks of Hope to a child living with a critical illness.