Unwrap the power of a wish

More than 200,000 eligible children will be diagnosed with a critical illness this holiday

Critical illnesses such as cancer steal childhoods

Celebrate the holidays by giving a once-in-a-lifetime gift
This time of year is often when families get together to celebrate, but for some children, the time will be spent instead in hospital or sick. Show them they are not alone, by donating and unwrapping the power of a wish.
Make-A-Wish Foundation ® International is an Arizona nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 86-0726985

More than 200,000 children eligible for a wish will be diagnosed with a devastating critical illness this holiday season. Joining the many more children who are already waiting for their wishes to come true.
Your donation can make a wish come true for a child. Unwrap the power of a wish and restore the joys of childhood today.
Unwrap the power of a wish this holiday season
For some children who are sick or receiving treatment, this can be the hardest time of the year. So making wishes come true is even more important!
For a child facing a critical illness, like cancer, imagine the difference a wish could make.
A $100 donation means we can provide a special meal for a wish family. Or $62 per month could cover for a child’s travel costs to see snow for the first time!
“I wish to see snow for the first time!”
This is the wish of Mohamed (8) who lives with a rare blood disorder. When asked what his wish was, he responded without hesitation, “I want to go to Bosnia and see snow. I’ve always dreamed of building a snowman and having a snowball fight with my family.”
It was with the support of people like you that his wish came true, allowing him to forget about illness and simply be a child, lost in the magic of a winter wonderland.

Impact in numbers
More than 585,000 wishes granted worldwide since 1980.
Make-A-Wish grants wishes for children in almost 50 countries around the wold
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