• Sarah Labelle

    Sarah Labelle is Digital Fundraising Manager at Make-A-Wish International, having joined the organization in 2022 after a previous mission in humanitarian healthcare. Sarah oversees new donor acquisitions and conversions through our digital channels. Additionally, Sarah manages the e-commerce side of the website, email marketing and strives to deliver a smooth donation process for all Make-A-Wish supporters. We believe in transparency and accuracy. Read more in our editorial guidelines.

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The impact of a wish, by Make-A-Wish Germany

The impact of a wish, by Make-A-Wish Germany Make-A-Wish Germany grants the wishes of eligible children going through life-threatening illnesses in Germany. We achieve this mission through the help of our Affiliates located in Germany. Our aim to give hope to all children living with a critical illness which will teach them to believe even the seemingly impossible is possible. Once a child applies...

Grant a wish in 2022 with Make-A-Wish Netherlands

With the help of local partners across the Netherlands, Make-A-Wish fulfils the wishes of critically ill children. Granting a wish can play a part in the healing process of these children. A wish journey constructively impacts the attitude of critically ill children and helps them believe they can achieve anything in their lives. In this article, you will find out more about how Make-A-Wish functions. Grant...

The transformative power of wish-granting by our affiliate Make-A-Wish Ireland

According to the latest available data, there are over 8,000* children in Ireland who are living with a life threatening illness. These children have to deal with stress and fear at such a young age. This is why Make-A-Wish Ireland gives hope to these children and their loved ones by granting wishes. Grant life-changing wishesMake-A-Wish Ireland When a child is diagnosed with a critical illness,...

How our affiliate Make-A-Wish India gives strength to children

When children are diagnosed with a life threatening condition, it takes a huge toll on their life. Not only physically, but also emotionally. For parents it is their worst nightmare, to find out that your child is diagnosed with a life threatening illness. Make-A-Wish India makes a difference for these children by granting their wishes.  Grant life-changing wishesMake-A-Wish India Our affiliate...

The life-changing wishes granted by our affiliate Make-A-Wish America

Each year approximately 27,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses. Research has shown that granting a wish can help them build up strength and confidence for the future. Make-A-Wish America grants wishes for children living with critical illnesses. Read more about the work of Make-A-Wish America. Grant life-changing wishesMake-A-Wish America Children who...

How our affiliate Make-A-Wish UK gives hope to children

In the United Kingdom, over 63,000 children are right now eligible for a wish because they are living with a critical illness. Together with volunteers and generous donors Make-A-Wish UK realizes the wishes of children who are living with a critical condition. Granting a wish gives hope to a critically ill child and their loved ones. For a day, they get to set their worries aside. Read more about...

How our affiliate Make-A-Wish Canada transforms the lives of children

In collaboration with local communities all over Canada, Make-A-Wish grants life-changing wishes for children living with critical illnesses. Granting wishes gives hope to children who are subject to the diagnosis of a critical illness. Learn more about our affiliate Make-A-Wish Canada in this article. Grant life-changing wishesMake-A-Wish Canada Together with thousands of volunteers and donors, Make-A-Wish...

Grant a wish for a critically ill child this holiday season

The cosiest time of the year is just around the corner: holiday season. In this season, maybe more than usual, it is very important to spend time with your loved ones. The joys of eating together, handing out gifts, and spending time with family.  Unfortunately, there are families who go through this period of time, knowing their child is critically ill. Make-A-Wish believes that these families deserve...

Grant wishes for children living with leukemia

Children who are living with leukemia, often feel worried or anxious. Granting a wish can improve self-esteem, confidence and most importantly, hope. Hope is extremely important to have for children and their loved ones.  We believe that granting wishes improves the prospects for a child living with leukemia. Exhilaration, joy and hope are three factors that can renew the strength in a child and their...

Improve the lives of children with critical illnesses by donating

Every kid deserves a normal, carefree, loving childhood. Including children that suffer from a life-threatening illness. Make-A-Wish has been operating for 40+ years and each year is able to grant the most heartfelt wishes to children and young people from 3 to 18, who are living with a life-threatening illness. Children whose lives are dominated by anxiety, concern, and hospitalisation. Make-A-Wish...