Gaming for Wishes: Granting Wishes Through Fun and Games

Gaming for Wishes There are a lot of different ways to help grant wishes, one of them being gaming. What better way to raise money for children living with a critical illness than to play online and stream for wishes? At Make-A-Wish we have seen the rise in gaming...

What qualifies as a critical illness?

What qualifies as a critical illness? Children living with a critical illness often miss out on a carefree childhood because they experience pain, have to deal with medication and hospital visits. But what exactly qualifies as a critical illness? Are critical...

Set up your social media fundraiser for World Wish Day today!

Set up your social media fundraiser for World Wish Day today! We are often captivated by our social media accounts, scrolling from one post to the next. But what if you could use your social media to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and raise money to give...
Corporate charitable contribution limits for business philanthropy

Corporate charitable contribution limits for business philanthropy

When planning charitable contributions, corporations must be aware of specific limits and regulations that govern tax-deductible donations. Understanding the rules and limits around corporate charitable contributions is essential. Whether your business is exploring...
Innovative ways to support childhood cancer awareness

Innovative ways to support childhood cancer awareness

In today’s dynamic world, technology and creative solutions play a pivotal role in amplifying our impact. We are committed to exploring innovative ways to raise awareness about childhood cancer and the transformative power of wish-granting. Through digital...

How to become a Make-A-Wish sponsor

How to become a Make-A-Wish sponsor Make-A-Wish is an organization that actively works towards granting the wishes of critically ill children. Since it was founded, Make-A-Wish has successfully granted 550,000+ children’s wishes. Our organization aims to grant...